Get a grip

Getting to grips with the game of golf can be tricky and one of the first things you’ll need to focus on is, well, your grip. If you don’t nail this, you’ll struggle with every other element of your game. Luckily, it’s now easy to get all the hints and tips you need online.

Before you next don your women’s golf clothes and head out to test your skills on the course, you might benefit from taking some extra information onboard.

Getting the basics right

Commenting on the importance of a decent grip, a BBC Sport article noted that it’s “a good idea to get the basics right”. It remarked: “Learning to hold the golf club correctly is one of the most important things you can do to be a good golfer.”

Top hand

Whichever style of grip you use, the procedure for getting hold of the club is the same. When it comes to your top hand, you should let your arms hang naturally. Then place your palms on either side of the grip so they are facing each other. It’s important to keep your hands relaxed, especially if you’re trying to hit the ball a long way. The BBC noted that top players grip the club lightly in their fingers rather than in their palms.

The first step is to lay the grip of the club diagonally across the palm of the top hand. If you’re playing right handed, this will be your left hand. The grip should be nestled in the crease where the fingers meet the palm. Many players also extend their index finger down the grip slightly.

Then close your fingers around the grip and feel the the club resting against the fleshy pad in the palm of your hand. It helps if you curl your forefinger last.

The article noted that you should be able to see two or three knuckles on the back of your left hand and your thumb should extend straight down the grip, slightly to the left of centre. Meanwhile, the tips of your fingers should just touch the base of your palm.

Bottom hand

You can then bring your right hand onto the club, with the palm facing the target. Close your fingers around the grip and as you lock your fingers into place, your forefinger should form a ‘trigger’ shape, rather than wrapping all the way around like your other fingers.

The V formed by the thumb and forefinger on your hand should point up to your right shoulder and as you look down, you should be able to see two knuckles on each hand.


If you don’t feel confident hitting the ball, you can always invest in some lessons. If you shop around for a good deal, this needn’t cost that much and it can really bring your game on.

Check us out

When it comes to stocking up on clothes, just take a look around our website here at LeSports. We offer an impressive range of items, including women’s golf trousers, ladies’ golf jackets and much more.

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